Ragusa Ibla


Donnafugata e Ragusa ibla


The Castle of Donnafugata, just 15 km from Ragusa, is surronded by the Iblea countryside famous for its characteristic “muri a secco (dry stone walls)” and the ancient farms where you can still taste the typical products of the area, rediscovering the genuine flavor of past times: cheeses including the famous “caciocavallo”, “hot ricotta”, wines and olive oil are the protagonists of the cuisine of this area (if you want to live an authentic experience in one of the many iblei agritourisms contact us to book your food and wine tour).

Perfect for a day out, the Castle is an amazing residence from the 1800 surrounded by a big park where you can relax walking among ancient trees, picturesque avenues and a curious maze inside.

Lovers of the television series “Il Commissario Montalbano” will be pleased to know that the Castle was not only the wedding location of the protagonist “Luca Zingaretti” but also the set of several episodes of the fiction including the famous chapter “The arancini of Montalbano ”which has made one of the most traditional foods of our cuisine famous all over the world.


Now leave the countryside of Ragusa behind us and start to visit one of the most famous baroque villages of south-eastern Sicily: “Ragusa Ibla” also called “Iusu” (lower Ragusa) in dialect.


Set in an enchanting valley, we advise you to wander through the narrow streets of Ibla where you will discover the magnificence of ancient Baroque palaces, elegant conversation clubs, teeming squares as well as the majesty of the “Duomo of San Giorgio” that dominates the whole town and the wealth of beyond fifty churches that testify to its great artistic and cultural wealth.

“An island in the island” where you can visit interesting historic neighborhoods crowded today with bars, trattorias and restaurants that will give you a pleasant and well-deserved break: taste the delicacies of the Iblea cuisine, from the “Arancino Montalbano” to the most typical of Iblea dishes “Cavati and ravioli of ricotta with pork sauce”, the famous “Sicilian cannoli” and the delicious homemade ice creams … you will be spoiled for choice!