Savoca Completely perched on a mountain, Savoca is a small village near Messina which became famous above all because it was the film set of various scenes from the film "The Godfather" by Francis Ford Coppola: so sit in the famous "Vitelli" bar and relive the...

  Ragusa Ibla   also called "Iusu" (lower Ragusa) in dialect, is one of the most famous baroque villages of south-eastern Sicily. Set in an enchanting valley, we advise you to wander through the narrow streets of Ibla where you will discover the magnificence of ancient Baroque palaces, elegant...

  Piazza Armerina   Located about 30 minutes from Enna, Piazza Armerina is the deep heart of Sicily: its medieval historic center, dominated by the imposing cathedral, stands on top of a suggestive hill (the Armerino hill) and is surrounded by a lush countryside landscape. Unhurried walks through the...

Piazza Armerina, Aidone and Morgantina Located about 30 minutes from Enna, Piazza Armerina is the deep heart of Sicily: its medieval historic center, dominated by the imposing cathedral, stands on top of a suggestive hill (the Armerino hill) and is surrounded by a lush countryside landscape...

Food and wine Tours Come and discover sicilian gastronomic heritage that is envied and exported all over the world: customize your tour with us to taste the famous iblean wines and cheeses, Modica chocolate and many other Sicilian specialties....

Baroque Tour If you could describe Sicily in one expression it would certainly be "an unmistakable Baroque painting": we will take you to the amazing places of the Val di Noto and we will discover together the charm of this land....

Ancient Rome Tour All the charm of the ancient Rome in a customized tour: from the beauty of the mosaics of "Piazza Armerina" to the enchantment of the archeology of "Morgantina" up to "Greek-Roman Syracuse"....

Montalbano Tour Live all the atmosphere of the famous fiction "Il Commissario Montalbano". We will take you to all the places of the famous television series: Ragusa, Modica, Scicli, Punta Secca and Castello di Donnafugata as well as to amaze you with their amazing artistic and...